a slice of chocolate caKE with everything on it

because life's like chocolate cake: it's only either very sweet or bittersweet

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Instances Undefined

There are thousands of words in the English language that may be used to accurately, specifically and colorfully describe different kinds of situations encountered by humans in their interaction with one another, yet there remain to be instances, moments that even a wide array of words cannot capture. So what happens is these situations remain as they are, just things that happen but cannot be properly explained... just emotions felt but are just left there, hanging loosely about in the air around, air that appears to be charged with something like joy and contentment... but then again, after being in the midst of all that, you're never quite sure. And at the rate things have been going, you never will be. They say actions speak louder than words. Up to some point they are right. But what they left out of that well-known line is this one fact: Actions may speak louder than words, yes. But however "loud" they may get, they don't say it all. Words will definitely have to come into play, to set things straight, to confirm, to assure and reassure... to complete. And until that time comes, one is left to appreciate those undefined moments for what they are -- brief interactions that linger with you and then after a while forget about... until the next instance.


Blogger Antoinette Jadaone said...

tro. -tonet

8:41 PM  

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