a slice of chocolate caKE with everything on it

because life's like chocolate cake: it's only either very sweet or bittersweet

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Poising Myself for a Paper

I'm taking a well-deserved internet break. I've been reading stuff I've researched since after lunch (well, I took an afternoon nap too) and I just thought of reading my favorite blogs and checking mail and friendster, my usual online routine.

I am loving the Harvard Business Review. Their articles are so informative and well-written, I actually like reading them (even if they could get long). I liked them so much I even thought of reading at least one article a week from now on. Though it would probably have a slim probability of happening as serious thesis research looms near.

One realization in making this paper: I am really, truly more of a BA person rather than an Econ one.

At least I have that one totally clear.

I should probably start my paper.


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