a slice of chocolate caKE with everything on it

because life's like chocolate cake: it's only either very sweet or bittersweet

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What's with the Hold Up???

I am not sure what the answer to that question is but what's certain is it's hard to let go. Especially of things that are up to your control letting go of. It doesn't have to be a happy thing or a memorable experience... it can even be unpleasant. The thing is letting go is never easy. Period. I now kinda get why certain people find it difficult to get out of abusive relationships. And what I am in right now is certainly far from something bad like that. It's okay... Honestly, I already have an affinity to it, as opposed to when I started. Which sort of complicates matters. Although I know that the only person complicating matters is myself and my cowardice of moving on and up and towards the direction I think I want to head for. When you're all cozy and at home with your dvds and lots of chocolate, isn't it quite a hassle drag your butt off the couch, dress up and go on a blind date with someone that you think you might like and that you even had your friend set you up with? What, with being unsure if you're going to click and have fun or it'll just be a waste of your time?

So... that's it. I have settled and established a comfort zone. And frankly, I'm scared. Of what? Of realizing in the end that I should never have left in the first place.

I seriously have to resolve this ASAP.


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