a slice of chocolate caKE with everything on it

because life's like chocolate cake: it's only either very sweet or bittersweet

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Confusion at its Peak

Okay. Now that I am faced with something tangible, this job hunt thing is made even more confusing. And the fact that I have to give a decision about it in 30 or so hours is adding greatly to the pressure. I sure wish I did yoga or any of the other mind-clearing, meditating stuff that people engage in. Or that I were a kalesa horse or a race horse (para mas sosyal, haha) so that I'd have eye guards and just one direction to go towards and then decision-making wouldn't be a problem.

On second thought, I'd rather be the kalesa driver or the horse jockey (same concept, para mas sosyal). Because making decisions is living life. And I'm not exactly excited about the idea of horseshoes welded onto my would-be hooves and having a carrots and oats diet for as long as I live. ;p


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