a slice of chocolate caKE with everything on it

because life's like chocolate cake: it's only either very sweet or bittersweet

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lightbulb Moment

This is about sudden, brilliant realizations that came about through seemingly trivial things.

In this case, choc nuts and mami (bulalo and batchoy flavored).


If you're a chocoholic and you decide to satisfy your chocolate craving by buying a pack of the classic choc nut, make sure that there are a lot of people there with you to share it with. Or else you'll end up with a sore throat the next day. (Go figure. Oo na, ang takaw ko na.)


Nabitin nanaman ako magmarathon ng Grey's Anatomy kagabi, kamusta naman?! There's a long weekend ahead ren naman... whoo, marathon!


I realized I don't find it hard to get used to new environments. A blessing actually.


My thoughts are choppy. And jumpy. And incoherent. I don't like Anne Rice's writing style. I tried reading Pandora last night and I got bored.


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