a slice of chocolate caKE with everything on it

because life's like chocolate cake: it's only either very sweet or bittersweet

Sunday, June 18, 2006

On Grey's Blog

Having a lot of free me time and net time led me to the website of one of the shows that has recently made it to my favorites list: Grey's Anatomy. Maggie told me about the blog that the episode writers' of Grey's keep updated and started reading... and I got hooked! I am halfway through reading the episode blog entries in chronological order, only backwards, and I get more excited about watching season 2 after every entry.

Oh, I love great writers. I love the way the writers of the show analyze every little thing they incorporate into it, of trying to create the perfect story and the perfect mix of cases to mirror the feelings and the emotions that the characters have. I love the way they could act like gods, in the sense that they can make a character do whatever they want him/her to do but still remain human and faithful to what should happen and not what one wants to happen. Because they're something like "parents" to the characters -- they don't want to see their characters get hurt (because they get hurt too) but they allow them to since they know that if they don't, they wouldn't learn; they wouldn't grow.

One episode writer mentioned that in Grey's, they're very big on double-meaning and metaphors. I AM big on double-meaning and metaphors. I guess that's why I love the show so much. Plus the fact that it is about doctors and I so wanted to be one before. And, of course, the huge, huge bonus that is Dr. McDreamy. :D


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