Christmas Carols
How could one have a hard time writing a blog entry?! I certainly have lots of things to say, definitely a lot; I just have a hard time organizing my thoughts. If my mind were a closet, it would really be difficult to clean up. All that clutter!
Come to think of it, it has been a while since I got my thoughts all sorted. I mean, I think of things, of events that are happening in my life, of what I am currently doing, of what I would like to be rather doing than doing the thing I am currently doing (did you follow that?), of things that happened in the recent past, of things that may happen in the near future... but I, for the longest time, haven't really put much effort into thinking about anything in particular. And this is because I don't want to. Because I'm, um, honestly? I'm afraid of thinking too much. I know it might sound weird and even freakish but I am and I have my reasons.
Basically, I just want to avoid things that have happened in the past to happen again (I may have to elaborate on that...perhaps in my future posts). Effects of thinking too much and taking things too seriously aren't pretty. That I know firsthand. The other reason, which I just confessed to myself just now, is that I don't want to be in a state of denial. Usually when things literally stare you in the face and that thing is something you really don't want to think about, denial is kinda immediately set into motion to be sort of a protective barrier from results that may occur from accepting the fact.