a slice of chocolate caKE with everything on it

because life's like chocolate cake: it's only either very sweet or bittersweet

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The One with the 100th

Trying to make it sound like a title from an episode of FRIENDS.

Up until I began thinking about blogging today, I always thought that my momentuous 100th post would be jovial. But no, it was lucky enough to fall on a relatively bad day. Okay, I won't blame the day. Sorry day, you are not at fault here. You're just convenient to blame.

My chocoholicsm is kicking in. Ate four brownie fudge cookies already. Ready to down three more. So much for jogging today.

I want to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone again.

And hug my favorite pillow.

Thank God for comfort stuff. And for Donald and Des who are my favorite people right now.

I am looking forward to a better day in dreamland.


Blogger (in)communicative said...

Comfort people are the best things ever! :D

4:08 AM  
Blogger stella said...

Des! You're one of my comfort people! MWAH!

4:01 PM  

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