The Downside of Looking through Rose-Colored Glasses
I've been thinking of a fitting intro for this post and I find myself at a loss for complete sentences. I say complete sentences because I just had one word in mind when I thought of this post's title : DISAPPOINTMENT.
It sucks when people let you down over and over and over and over and over (to infinity) again. It's not actually the fact that you get let down by that person that hurts the most. It's the hoping part that drives the knife down deep. The hope that builds up in you that this time around it's going to be really true... that believing wouldn't end up in empty promises and false hopes.
Happiness is elusive. -- My current YM status.
What does one do when things fall apart (Hi Mr. Achebe, may I borrow your book title?) and you feel like you're left with nothing you desperately like to hold on to?
I'm floating supine in Lake Caliraya, with seaweeds constantly brushing against my body.
Sarah would know how that feels like. I don't know how to more accurately describe the feeling, but it is like that.