The answer to that very malicious question in your mind right now dear reader is a big, bold NO.
But the the title is effective for its intriguing qualities, right?
To those who would like to know (and to those who'd rather not but are still reading on and technically made the choice to know), I am currently absorbed in reading Middlesex -- Pulitzer Prize winner, authored by Jeffrey Eugenides, and gift-of-dear-Santa Friend Desh to moi last Christmas. And it is partly the reason why I sound like this. Because Eugenides is brilliant (which has been my YM status more than once the past month) and because his writing style jives compatibly with mine. Which brings me to this post. And to the realization that I have once again broken a promise to my dear bloggie baby. The new year has started and it is just my first post.
Who is to blame? Or, to excuse myself from the inaction, what is? I'd like to enumerate a few culprits: 1) the HOLIDAYS, and all the frenzy and parties and activities that come with it; 2) the EARTHQUAKE in TAIWAN -- which left internet cafes (which I actually went to in order to blog but became a disappointment) with super slow and at times ZERO connections; and 3) the ************ -- which I cannot mention since I'd be in effect admitting to something that shouldn't be done in that place and may put my future in jeopardy (hahahaha).
In the brief interval of a fortnight, my life's lease had been extended. Forgive the drama. You're listening to someone who thought her rollercoaster-riding days were over but has just been proclaimed to be in possession of an exceedingly healthy heart! The slow heart rate finding really worried me. But thank God that's okay. Now I can push through with this year's plans.
For I have mentally listed some things that I want to accomplish within the year...